Announcing the Parties That Cook Contest Winners!

It’s a sad day when you realize that a contest has ended. That is, until you realize that you already entered, and it is NOW time to announce the winners!

Our Facebook contest was VERY successful. About 100 people took our survey (enough to activate the $75 American Express Gift Card!), and we ended the contest on Friday being “Liked” by 1,013 people!

Our Twitter contest was also a success, which means we WILL be handing over $75 to one lucky individual. We are proud to say @PartiesThatCook now has
over 1,500 Twitter followers!

Drumroll, Please:

The winner of our Facebook contest and the recipient of a $75 AMEX Gift Card is
Cailtin Looney!

The winner of our Twitter contest, and the recipient of a $75 American Express Gift Card is Jeannette Sacman!

Congratulations to both of you!
Everyone else, keep your heads up and your eyes on the lookout for our next contest!


  1. Irv Spivak says:

    In truth, we are all winners! Thanks again for doing what you do, I had such a good time and still think about those Mexican Brownies!

    ala proxima! Irv

  2. This contest was FIXED! I demand a recount!! I mean, wait, I demand a “re-draw”, or… oh what the hell.

    Congratulations to Caitlin and Jeannette!


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