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Date Night: Couples Cooking through the eyes of a staff member

On a Friday afternoon, I arrived at Dacor’s kitchen showroom to help prep the kitchen, greet our guests and ensure drinks flowed. It was the first Date Night cooking class of the new year, I was new to the Parties That Cook team, and this was my first experience with their hands-on cooking events. Date Night with Parties That Cook is a couples cooking class, but from what I saw, it could be better than couples therapy.

Guests began trickling in a few minutes before 6 pm, many coming directly from work, all hungry and eager to start cooking. The attendees checked in, “suited up” in Parties That Cook aprons and mingled with other attendees chefs-in-training.

The lead chef (Executive Chef, Tanya) gathered the group in the kitchen for an introduction and cooking demonstration. Tanya shared tips and tricks of the trade with a captivated audience. As they listened intently to the instructions, guests stood with arms draped over their partners’ shoulders. The couples seemed excited to be there, ready to cook together, meet new people, and have fun…except for one.

This particular duo came in when the cooking demo was already underway. Unlike the other couples, they didn’t smile when I greeted them. They stood behind the crowd, she with her arms folded across her chest and lips pursed. He also appeared distant and disinterested. Watching them, all I could think was, “Wow, it’s going to be a long night for these two.”

After the demo, the group broke into teams to begin working on the evening’s small plates recipes. Chefs circled the floor happy to help if and when questions arose. Most attendees were fairly new to cooking and delighted by the process. Still, I couldn’t help but focus on the averse couple. To my surprise, they had begun to warm up. We really mean it when we say you’ll “heat up the kitchen” at Date Night.

As the night progressed, wine was flowing, new friends were made and delicious dishes were coming together. I found the originally hesitant couple smiling and even laughing together. Date Night with Parties That Cook must have been just what the doctor ordered! They ended up having a wonderful time, and even bid us farewell with huge thanks, full bellies and smiles on their faces. Several couples exchanged phone numbers and think a few may have even gone out for drinks following the class. An excellent evening, indeed.

Working the event was fun; almost as entertaining as participating as a guest! This, I found out two weeks later when I took the class with my spouse. Stay tuned for a second Date Night blog, written from the perspective of an attendee (me!).

Parties That Cook Reflects on the Top 12 Accomplishments of 2012

We managed to survive the madness of the holidays, only to find ourselves waist-deep in January events! Just as we did last year, we’re about to dive into Parties That Cook’s Top Accomplishments of 2012.

1.  Broke our Own Records. In 2012, we hosted our largest event to-date (can you even picture 213 guests?!) and later booked our largest event to-date. This January, we’ll be sure to welcome all 275 guest with open arms!

2.  Launched New Events. 2012 brought the almost accidental development of Cooking with Kindness, a corporate event where groups come together in the kitchen of a local family shelter to cook for, serve, and dine alongside its residents.

3.  Became a Certified Women-Owned Business. That’s right. Not only is PTC founder and CEO, Bibby Giginilliat, a woman (surprise!), she also passed the rigorous application process and proved herself as visionary of the company.

4.  Hosted another Successful Women’s Initiative Fundraiser. We are on a roll, folks! Cooking up Success for Women’s Initiative has surely taken off. Raising $17,500 is nothing to be ashamed of!

5.  Celebrated Birthdays and Birth Days. Not only did we host awesome birthday celebrations (per usual), but we also welcomed 2 new little guys to the PTC family! HUGE congratulations to Erin and Rosie!

6.  Grew like Crazy in Multiple Markets. Talk about a growth spurt! When 68% growth (Chicago) isn’t the biggest change you’ve seen, you know you’re doing something right. Hello, 675% growth in Portland!!

7.  Cooked up Romance. We’ve conquered Date Night proposals in 2011, so we thought we’d challenge ourselves with Singles. Who better to partner with, running approx. 30 events in 3 cities, than

8.  Won Awards and Made Headlines. We were awarded #63 on the list of Fastest Growing Small Businesses by the San Francisco Business Times and earned a spot on the Inc. 500|5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies for the first time! Man, it feels good to be a baller. We’re proud to say we were featured in Crain’s Chicago Business for the first time. See it for yourself here.

9.  Worked on Cohesion within Our Team. A series of workshops with facilitator, Abby, raised our corporate and personal consciousness. Things have never been smoother.

10.  Positioned PTC to Make BIG Moves in 2013. Remember how we moved Carolyn to Portlandia to manage the NW territory? Talk about a good move! We also hired some amazing new office talent, AND managed to let go of bulk. We have officially embraced our new mantra: less is more.