Tag wine keg

Wine Kegs and Fresh, Quality Wines On Tap? Count Me In!

A few wine bars and restaurants have sparked a trend that prompts the question: Could the wine bottle ever go out of style? Primarily in California’s Bay Area, with recent reports of followers in New York and Portland, wine is being served from taps. Taking its lead from beer, wine is first pumped into a keg. Been there, done that, right? No, I’m not talking about your college days. While we have seen wine kegs attempted in the past, this round has an advantage: Quality. High quality wineries are now putting their surpluses to use, and trying this alternative to waste.

The Natural Process Alliance has taken this movement a step further. This winery only sells its wines in kegs and reusable steel canteens the size of a standard wine bottle. NPA wines are made with native yeasts and minimal handling. They do not last long, and do not travel well, which limits them to a 100-mile radius. Still, NPA sticks by its guns, and is determined to completely cut down on waste!

Ever return a glass of wine ordered at a restaurant or bar because it tasted stale? Many restaurants continue to pour from a bottle days after it has been opened. Problem solved! Hopefully you haven’t completely lost faith in ordering wine by the glass… Because wine on tap is pushed through the lines by gas, the wine is protected against oxidation –that pesky wine spoiler! Fresh tasting wine is not the only benefit of wine on tap. Restaurants are able to buy this wine without the added cost of the bottle, the cork, etc. This means savings that can be passed on to the consumer!

Despite these benefits, wineries are still reluctant to give up bottles. The kegs have to be cleaned and filled by hand. Bottled wines also travel well, and were made for large-scale distribution. These key problems definitely limit the growth of the wine keg industry. Basically, bottles still serve a purpose! They are easy to deal with, allow the wine to age, and give any occasion a special touch. As wine kegs and wine on tap spreads, making strides to turn wine into an everyday drink, we will have to keep an eye on this fledgling trend.

Looking for a way to try new wines? Check out our Date Night: Couples Cooking Classes! Couples are encouraged to bring a bottle, so you are bound to come across something new!