Tag cooking party

How To Save Your Holiday Party from Getting the Ax

Holiday spirits have hit an all time low with many companies choosing to slash holiday party budgets, opting for small potluck gatherings or canceling the party all-together.

While immediate cutbacks make sense from a financial standpoint, canceling the end-of-the-year celebration can be short-sighted… hard-working employees will leave for the holidays disgruntled and unmotivated for a new year that seems equally dismal.

Fear not, we’re here to help with a smart alternative that will save this year’s company holiday party. We call it our “Appetite Stimulus Plan.”

cooking partyAt a fraction of the cost of a traditional dinner with free flowing wine, you can host a do-it-yourself cooking party, where guests attend a cooking class, create a gourmet meal, then sit-down to a dining celebration.

5 Insider Tips for Low-Cost Holiday Cooking Parties:

1) Host the party in your office or home versus renting a professional kitchen. Saves over $600.

2) Opt for our Sumptuous Small Plates appetizer party, instead of a full meal. Saves $20+ per person.

3) BYOB the alcoholic beverages (example: Two-Buck Chuck wine). Stick to just beer and wine only. Saves $5+ per person.

4) Skip traditional employee gifts and order party favors like logo chocolates or logo mint tins for as low as $2.55 per person. Saves $10+ per person.

5) Take advantage of our monthly SideDish Special. From $200 off your event, to free party favors and complimentary champagne toasts, the special varies from month to month. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter to get the scoop on the current offer! Saves a bunch.

Save your holiday party from cancellation now! We can help you plan a cost savvy cooking celebration that will be fun, memorable, build morale and best of all taste delicious! Contact Parties That Cook’s event planners at info@partiesthatcook.com or 1-888-907-2665. Or just fill out our simple online form for immediate assistance.

Tips for the Savvy Party Hostess

Bailout blues getting you down? Skip the trip to that new fancy restaurant. Save your dough and throw a fabulous party at home instead!

Parties That Cook’s 10 Great Money Saving Tips for the Savvy Party Hostess:

1. Involve your guests in the cooking! The more involved your guests are at the party, the more fun and memories they’ll create. As we all know, the party always ends up in kitchen, so forget the caterer and throw a party in the kitchen, where your guests cook up the night’s menu determined by you.

2. Celebrate with a festive cocktail and appetizer party instead of a sit-down dinner. Sticking to light fare is not only cheaper, but creates a lighter, casual party atmosphere versus a stuffy sit-down. Set up appetizers on a buffet instead of paying for servers to pass the appetizers.

3. Buy your ingredients at your local Farmer’s Market, where costs are often less and the ingredients are very fresh, in-season and plentiful.

4. Buy staples in the bulk section. When buying staple items like spices, nuts, dried fruit, dried mushrooms, and grains, head for the bulk section of your local market. You can buy exactly how much you need and you also often find fresher ingredients because they have a shorter shelf life.

5. Hire your kids to do the serving and clean up. Kids love to be involved and (depending on age) can be entrusted with non-cooking responsibilities like folding napkins, setting place cards or arranging flowers. If you don’t have kids, hire a student at a local culinary school to cater the party.

6. Serve a few high-end dishes starring seafoods or meats, but off-set costs with a few less costly dishes that go a long way. A low-cost dip appetizer like Sweet Pea Dip with Crispy Pita Chips is an example of a filling dish that is inexpensive to make.

7. Serve beer, wine, sodas and then just one festive holiday specialty drink versus hosting a full bar.

8. Consider a lunch or brunch. Caterers often offer discounts for daytime events, so a seasonal luncheon or a brunch could be much more affordable than an evening event.

9. Invite guests to bring their favorite cookies to serve as a dessert buffet, instead of purchasing desserts. Or, if you are having your party catered, bake a homemade dessert a day in advance and skip a full-blown dessert course. Here are a few dessert recipes to try.

10. Co-host the party with neighbors. Not only does this help limit your expenses, but it is a great way to get to know the folks next door. With the way the housing market is looking – you will probably be next door neighbors for many years to come!

Need more help? Count on Parties That Cook to set up a fabulous in-home cooking party bash! Book your party now through October 31st, 2008, and receive $200 off! We’ll bring the party to you, so you don’t have to lift a finger!