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Parties That Cook’s 2011 Corporate Holiday Events Wrap-Up: Part II

We’ve finally reached the home stretch. This blog features some of the final corporate team building events and private cooking parties of 2011! There’s still a bit to cover, so hold tight and power through these fun event recaps with us. Oh, the memories…

Kicking off this corporate event recap is a Chicago event for Sedona. We know it’s going to be a fun group when employees are willing to come cook with us on a Saturday! They even used our favorite Chicago venue for public cooking classes: Charlie Baggs. Sedona host, Guy N., selected the perfect type of event for his group that “loves to compete in unique areas.” After this Kitchen Challenge, Guy raved, “The chef’s were terrific – they were the highlight of the event. Even with this lively of a group, they handled things warmly and encouraged trying new things. They were fun, helpful and kept things on track while teaching and encouraging the interaction. The event offered a wonderful interaction and experience, and the knowledge gains were terrific.” Nicely done, Chicago team!

Skip forward about a week, and we’ll hit Encore Consumer Capital‘s Chef’s Table with a competitive twist. Host Shanna B. is no stranger to Parties That Cook, having used us twice before. “The customer service was amazing! A hands-on cooking party is a really great idea for team bonding and bringing everyone together. We are all very competitive people and the competition factor helped make it a memorable and successful night for everyone.”

Menu items included Soft Pretzel Bites with Spicy Mustard Dipping Sauce, Broccoli Chive Soup with Lemon Cream, and Carved New York Strip Steaks – YUM! Shanna added, “This event was also successful because we all thoroughly enjoyed our meal! The chefs were extremely helpful and were always there to lend a hand when needed. Everyone was able to join in and cook a little bit of each dish, and we were all able to sit together and enjoy dinner as a team.” Shanna mentioned that she thought an all appetizer or all dessert party would be fun to try. You’re in luck, Shanna! Check out our Sumptuous Small Plates event (available with a competitive add-on) and our newer event: Cupcake Wars!

That very same day, our crew brought the Parties That Cook mobile kitchen to a private home in Los Gatos, CA. XL Construction Group hosted a Chef’s Table event with a mouthwatering menu featuring Canapes of Camembert Olive Tapenade, Crab and Red Pepper Beignets, and Parmesan and Herb-Crusted Filet Mignon.

Repeat host, Kate P., came to us after having seen us in action with her previous company! About her experience this time around, she said, “As usual, the event was great! Everyone loved both the cooking experience and the eating. The staff was excellent. Our chefs – Heather and Amy – were terrific, as was our server Elizabeth and our dishwasher, Dana. It was a great menu — fun to cook but not too challenging (just right!) — and the food was delicious. Love you guys! Easy, good, entertaining! We’ll definitely do it again.” Wow. We just love when repeat clients…continue to repeat!

After a week of twenty events, the week of SDG‘s 55-person Chef’s Table was like a walk in the park (13 events). Still, we had to bring our A-game. It was great to hear that the SDG host, Sharon S., thought we hit it out of the park!

“Great event! We knew they did a great job at our partner event so no need to look for another company. Everyone had a good time and it was a wonderful way for people to mingle.” Their crave-inducing menu included Puree of Pear and Champagne Soup, Steamed Salmon Papillotes, and Warm Chocolate Soufflé Cake. I’m getting jealous just typing this! Sharon didn’t need to say anything other than, “We didn’t leave much on our plates…” Still she sums up her experience very nicely with, “Very organized, fun staff, and a good team building event.”

Big thanks to all our corporate event hosts who allowed us to use their comments and wanted to be featured in one of our blogs! We’ve received a lot of feedback over the years, including recipe notes, venue comments and ideas for new events (barbeque, sushi, and pasta from scratch, just to name a few)! You never know, your next suggestion could end up being our next hit event (Ahem, Cupcake Wars..), so keep ’em coming!

Next up: 2012 Corporate Team Building Events and Private Cooking Parties!

Parties That Cook’s New Year’s Resolutions for 2012

We can’t put it off any longer. It’s time to become accountable for our actions, and announce our New Year’s Resolutions, both personal and professional, for 2012. If you’re still searching for your goals this year, help yourself to any of these! Maybe you don’t have the greatest resolution track record… If you’re worried about the commitment, just think of these as “intentions” for 2012. Finally, if you have any great resolutions of your own, let us know!

Cook More Often: This may seem like a no-brainer for an office full of chefs and foodies, but you’d be surprised how quickly a long day at the office can derail the best of intentions. Try working your way through a good cookbook, or mastering the art of 50 recipes. We love Food52’s New Year’s Resolutions, with specific, attainable goals that can be tackled at one’s own pace.

Practice Gratitude: Each day, when you get up or before you go to bed, write down 5 things you are grateful for. If there are any people on the list, let them know you appreciate them. Bibby, Parties That Cook founder and CEO, recently submitted this resolution to SkinnyScoop’s big list of resolutions.

Win at Least One Big Award: While this goal applies to Parties That Cook as a business, you can easily adapt this to your own career. Maybe you’re looking for the recognition you deserve, make this the year you get that promotion!

Be More Green: Now that we’re a certified B-Corp., we’re making it a priority to reduce waste in the office. In your personal life, strive to make the green decision whenever possible. It could be something as simple as bringing your own bags to the grocery store, or taking the time to find a recycling bin before throwing recyclables away.

Reduce Coffee Intake: We’re not saying any of us are dependent, or anything… But hey, maybe it’s time to cut back when skipping your morning cup turns you into one of Lady Gaga’s not-so-little monsters.

Slow Down: The daily grind can get you pretty wrapped up. To unwind, try doing more yoga, meditating, or just reflecting on the day/week more often. Whichever route you choose, it’ll help you be more present in your daily life.

Practice Fiscal Responsibility: This can be something as seemingly insignificant as bringing your lunch to work 3 times a week, holding yourself to only ONE drink at the bar, or implementing a savings plan for the bit-ticket item you’ve been eyeing (Le Creuset cookware set, anyone?). has a great list of Resolutions for Frugal Foodies.

Travel More: Sometimes you just need to get away. Whether it’s a big trip, or just a staycation in a nearby town, change your surroundings for a bit. A couple of PTC office ladies will be heading to Arizona for Spring Training this year! One is a proud San Francisco Giant’s fan, the other happens to be a D-backs fan… Obviously, they aren’t going together.

Continue Learning: Do we really learn something new every day? Make it a goal. Always wanted to learn a new language? (Spanish? French? HTML?? Wookie?!?) Just do it. Maybe you’ll finally learn to cook, or hone your skills at Photoshop. A thirst for knowledge makes you one of the most valuable members on your work team, and helps your continual growth as an individual.

HAVE FUN: This year, try saying YES more than NO. (We trust your judgment… Though if you’re anything like our Michelene, you might end up agreeing to run another half-ironman!) You could entertain monthly, throw your own cooking parties, or go on a spontaneous adventure!