Category General

Parties That Cook’s Party Crew Brings Portlandia to San Francisco

Last weekend, the Parties That Cook party crew took over Bibby’s house. With her permission, of course (we’re not pirates!). We came together to say goodbye – for now – to our wonderful Operations Manger, Carolyn. She’s moving on to bigger and better things as Parties That Cook’s new Manager of both our Seattle and PORTLAND outposts! Congratulations, Carolyn!

A couple of office folk spent the day decorating according to the hilariously fitting theme: Portlandia! If you haven’t had the privilege of checking out the hilariousness that is this TV show, I recommend you do so now…

OK, now that we’ve got that sorted out, let’s continue. Bibby’s dining room was decked out in such theme-appropriate garnishes as BIRDS. There were birds on the chandelier, birds on the wall, and even birds on the cupcakes! The sign to the left says it all… There was also a dedicated shell art station giving guests the opportunity to take a moment and glue a few shells or some sand on a picture frame for Carolyn! (She’s gotta be up on current trends..)

For dinner, we ordered some absolutely delicious pizzas from Little Star Pizza (we had to give Carolyn a little taste of San Francisco while she’s still here!). Bibby made yummy (and popular) kale salad. Rosie made addictively good cupcakes and brownies for everyone to scarf up. Leave it to our witty Queen of Rules, Regulations, and Laws, Beth, to come up with the PERFECT menu placards.

Adabelle, whose name means Joyous and Beautiful, was raised with her sisters Daisymae and Maisysue on a beautiful farm, where them romped along 4 acres of rolling green hills and jumped in lots of puddles. Her diet consisted of a veritable smorgasbord-orgasbord-orgasbord of organic table scraps hand fed to her by Harold and Mildred Tucker, of Beaverton, OR.

Colin, whose name means The Victory of The People, was raised by the loving Reese family of Lake Oswego on a diet of sheep’s milk, soy and hazelnuts. Traumatized as a young chick when wee Benjamin chased him around the coop, the Reese’s took Colin into their home as a juvenile, where he spent the rest of his days coddled even more lovingly than his eggs.

Armed with this rare inside look into the lives of the animals who so graciously gave their lives for this meal, we were much better prepared to make an informed decision about which pizza to eat. Thanks, Beth!

Guests arrived ready to party — dressed as one of the many Portlandia characters! I have to say, there was a plethora of plaid and flannel ensembles and beanie-like hats. After an impromptu costume contest, we declared two winners: Chef Scott (with his bright blue goatee and facial piercings) and Bibby (with her entire flannel outfit, socks and sandals, and nose ring). Gina created a master playlist of 90s music that kept the party going until it was time to move on to karaoke.

Despite the very incriminating video-graphic evidence we have of Carolyn during this last portion of the evening, I will just say that karaoke was extremely entertaining and fun for all who showed up! Carolyn, though we are missing you already, we wish you the best in Portland! I know you’ll be great up there, and will make us all very proud.

Now come back.

Parties That Cook’s Oscar Party Menu: Recipes Inspired by The 2012 Oscar-Nominated Films

The big weekend is here! This Sunday, many will be glued to their TV screens, watching the 84th Academy Awards. Why not hit one out of the park (like Brad Pitt’s Moneyball character never could), and pair your Oscar party menu with each of the nominees for Best Picture?! Go ahead. Go crazy.

You don’t have to implement ALL of the recipes below. A fun option is to only make the dishes inspired by films you think could WIN. And the nominees are…

The Descendants – Bring a little of the ocean to your party with this Ahi Tuna Tartare in Toasted Wonton Cups recipe. I can hear the waves crashing already.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close – Try this deliciously simple Extreme Flavors Shrimp Lettuce Wrap.. This recipe is so easy, a kid could make it. Take your inspiration a step further and make the lettuce wraps vegan, like the main character. (Substitute mushrooms and tofu for the shrimp. The flavors will be just as extreme!)

Hugo – The boy who lives in a Parisian train station would have LOVED these Crab and Roasted Red Pepper Beignets with Herbed Aioli. Yes, this recipe is loosely based on the French beignet, but the previous statement still applies.

Moneyball – This recipe for bite-sized Polpettini: Little Meatballs Braised in Tomatoes, Garlic and White Wine is right on the money. Make these at any party, and you’ll hit one out of the park. They’ll redifine the way you think about cooking… or was it baseball?

The Tree of Life – Add some green to the menu with this light and healthy Roasted Kabocha Squash and Arugula Salad with Toasted Hazelnuts. This winter recipe is a great addition to any party menu.

War Horse – Watch out, horse! We’re stealing your oats for this Raspberry Streusel Bars recipe. Be warned, these bars are addictively good.

The Help – Instead of the infamous chocolate cake, we opted for a good ole fashioned southern staple. These crave-worthy Crispy Corn Flake and Buttermilk-Coated Fried Chicken Skewers will be a hit at any Oscar party!

Midnight in Paris – Take your cue from our Chef’s Table menu: From Paris with Love. This recipe for Parmesan and Herb Crusted Filet Mignon fits the theme beautifully.

The Artist – A black-and-white film definitely calls for a black-and-white dessert. This Fiery Mexican Mocha Pudding with Cinnamon Whipped Cream is just as good as the film it’s inspired by: AMAZING.