Tag top chef

Craps, Flash Freezing, and Guacamole Macaroons: Top Chef Week Two

In the second week of Top Chef, Las Vegas extremes are strung through the story line, Mike remains a jerk, and Jennifer continues to shoot laser beams out of her eyes and make magic with her hands.

The contestants walk into the kitchen to find Padma, a craps table, and Todd English. Todd English is a high profile hunky chef with 7 restaurants, a few television shows, and an Iron Chef title under his belt. The chefs are informed that their quick fire challenge will be a roll of the dice. Whatever number comes up on the dice will be the amount of ingredients they are to use (salt, oil, and pepper are freebies) in a dish they have a half an hour to make.

Right before Kevin rolls the dice, he comments that he is not scared of having a low number because he believes in simplicity. Well Kev, I’m glad you didn’t waste your time being scared because you got a ten. He gets a tad worried that it will interfere with his minimalist style. Laurine has the opposite problem and rolls a 3, worried about not being able to work that simply.

As the 30 minutes begin, Michael V. seems to be playing with a fire extinguisher in a corner, but no worries folks, he is just flash freezing with nitrogen!

As a side note, it is absolutely incredible to watch how quickly chefs can work with minimal stress breakdowns (Jesse and Eve’s low self confidence aside).

Todd English split the final verdict into his least favorite and most favorite dishes. His least favorites were: Jesse, whose scallops needed a sear, and less “mush on mush, too much mushy”, Eve, whose blue cheese was too overpowering and had poor presentation, and Bryan, whose dish had good flavors but too strong of a liqueur flavor.

His favorites were: Michael V, who had a classic dish (gazpacho) with good flavors, Jennifer who had many flavors but kept it light, and Kevin, whose flavors worked well together and can cook an egg well. Michael’s gazpacho comes out with the win, power to the fire extinguisher! Michael wins $15,000 dollars and brother Bryan turns green with envy and the brotherly war is on.

The elimination challenge turns out to be catering for a bachelor and bachelorette party. The crew is split into boys vs. girls, the boys catering for the bachelorette party, and the girls catering for the bachelor party. Jennifer doesn’t believe in a difference between boys and girls (probably because she’s beaten them all into a one-sex pulp in her own kitchen) and Ashley feels awkward about the challenge because she cannot even participate in the institution of marriage legally. I completely understand the sentiment, but I feel that Ashley took it a bit too personally.

The bachelor and bachelorette announce part 2 of the challenge, they would like dishes to go well with three shots that they have chosen: Moscow Mule, Tequila, and Golden Delicious.

Although each team has their minor setbacks (Ashley decides to make two dishes and Hector runs behind with his mole), everyone gets their dishes finished on time.

At the end of the challenge, the boys team jumps in the pool with the guests still around and this seemed tacky, but maybe it was just because I don’t want to see any of those men in less than chefs coats.

Bryan, Hector, Eli, and Michael are called in first to find that the boys’ team is the winning team, and they had the favorite dishes on that team. Bryan’s fresh take on chips and guacamole (a sweet and sour macaroon filled with guacamole with corn nuts and corn puree) gave him the win, and the final laugh in the war of the brothers.

The least favorite dishes from the losing team (the girls team) were Eve, Jesse, Preeti, and Ashley. This group of girls seemed to be plagued with a lack of an attainable vision and improper execution. Eve was sent home for her seemingly continuous dreamy ideas proceeded by disappointing follow through. The judges even go as far as saying she doesn’t understand how to put things together. She waddled off the show with her usual deer-in-the-headlights look, but a positive outlook, saying that she is going to keep doing what she’s doing.

The show is definitely getting more intense by the second, revealing flaws and strengths of every cheftestant. Jennifer seems to have a strong hold on every challenge, Mike should probably stop mispronouncing his fellow contestants names and labeling his teammates “The Pickle Brothers”, and Jesse needs some self confidence! She has great vision and a down home vibe that could really work for her. I love how the brothers Bryan and Michael continuously drive each other to be better, as well as Mattin’s extreme concentration on his art. Big thumbs up to Top Chef for having Todd English as a guest judge. He had great input and was definitely easy on the eyes. Here’s to anxiously awaiting a cage match between Jennifer and Mike!

Contributed by Leigh Hermansen

Top Chef Las Vegas is Our Vice

So lets start out this entry with some initial reactions to the new contestants of top chef:

  • Jennifer Carroll – “I’ve made many boys cry” = soon to be top chef winner.
  • Jesse Sandlin – This is one bad mama. The first thing she said to the camera was that people who come out of culinary school are froofy and basically don’t know anything important. I understand the sentiment, but very daring for first impressions! She was out there and thought out of the box, I’m a fan.
  • Jennifer Zavala – Seitan, really? Her ear lobes gave me the heebie-jeebies.
  • Kevin Gillespie – The whole office is rooting for this red-headed teddy bear. He’s likeable and incredibly talented. He’s so passionate about cooking (turning down a full ride to MIT to chase his dreams).
  • Mike Isabella – This is the kind of guy who shouldn’t be allowed to have any redeeming qualities because of his in-your-face overly obnoxious mannerisms. He’s talented but hopefully someone accidentally drops a knife on his toe to keep his ego in check.
  • Mattin Noblia – I really like his style and quiet demeanor, but will he be the closet nut job that goes off the rocker halfway through the season?
  • Vegas Showgirls – What?

As this heavily-tattooed, attitudinal group is split into two teams, they are instructed to compete to finish a mise-en-place relay race (shuck clams, peel prawns, clean lobsters, and butcher two chops from a prime rib). Some people looked like they had never been in the kitchen – Jennifer Z bleeds as she tries to use a butter knife to shuck clams, while Mattin could do this relay race blind folded and in a coma.

Our favorite ass-kicking girl Jennifer C. comes out with the first individual win (after which she states she is determined to win every quick fire and challenge and beat everyone’s sorry butts into a pulp with her Eric Ripert trained fists). This was thoroughly satisfying because Mike I. complains about being beaten by a girl (clearly, this needs to happen more often).

For the elimination challenge, the contestants are instructed to create a dish representing their vices. Most of them choose alcohol (surprise, surprise), but some choose a fiery temper, and Mike prepares a “rack” of lamb. Starting to catch my drift about him yet?

The finalists, for the best plate, getting to speak to Padma (start wearing clothes, please), Tom Colicchio (be nicer, please), Gael Simmons, and Wolfgang Puck (hilarious commentary as he throws bacon doughnuts across the restaurant), for the best dish were Mike, Jennifer, Kevin, and Ron. Kevin takes home the win and we cheer him on and take credit because of our fiery fan support.

Jennifer Z was sent home because of her disappointing Chile Relleno stuffed with Seitan. She took a chance to stand out with her first dish, but Seitan was a chance we don’t think should be taken on Top Chef, at least as a first impression with the judges. The daring jump deserves a tip of my hat, but I’m not going to say I’m not happy to see her gauges go home.

According to the premiere, this season is guaranteed to be jam-packed with fiery tempers, drunken rage, and some delicious ideas from this group of diverse contestants.

Contributed by Leigh Hermansen