Parties That Cook’s “Caption This” Contest!

As fans of Parties That Cook, we know you’re witty. Now it’s time to prove it.

We have just posted the above photo on our Facebook page, in an album cleverly titled: Caption This.
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to visit said Facebook page, and give us the best caption for this photo you can possibly think of. Please leave your caption in the comments section on the actual photo.

This IS a contest. Thus, whoever submits the best, most clever/applicable/laughable caption will WIN a ticket to one of our hands-on cooking classes!

If you’re not feeling quite so inspired, you’re more than welcome to like the captions of others, in a futile much appreciated attempt to help us determine a winner.

Remember: A picture’s worth a thousand words… But we don’t have all day.
Also remember: You only have until 5pm this Friday, March 16, to enter. Now go.

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  1. John Chen says:


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