Coupons Get a Makeover – Foodies Rejoice for Online Daily Deals

Oh, how my heart flutters every morning as I click to open my e-mail inbox. What could it be that brings this little bit of joy?  This morning it was $100 worth of services at Kush Day Spa for $50 through BloomSpot and seven drop-in classes at Athletic Playground for $35 through Groupon, but it’s usually the restaurant deals that make me swoon.

If you are anything like us here at Parties That Cook, you love a great deal.  With the way the economy has dipped in recent years, daily deals and online specials have popped up in cities across the nation.  Sites like Bloomspot, LivingSocial, and TownHog work out 50+% off discounts directly with businesses so they can bring you daily deals for interesting things to do in your city.  Foodies can try the latest trending restaurants without breaking the bank – order away!  Need to de-stress but don’t want to stress out your wallet? Book a massage and other spa services without the guilt you normally get from spending all that green on yourself.

Better yet, take a gander at how Groupon came together to make it easier for people to enjoy great things in their community.  Groupon harvests the power of collective buying to get huge discounts so that you are only able to get your Groupon if enough people join in on the deal.  They take that communal aspect one step further and use their consumer collective to support community causes by featuring local charities.

Last but not least, there’s always the trusty Yelp Special.  For those who refuse to try anything new without first having a number of recommendations, the Yelp Special is your best friend.  I recently got $20 off a smog check through a Yelp offer, but you can find offers for everything from salons to restaurants.

Parties That Cook currently has an offer for $20 off our Cinco de Mayo Cooking Class at Tres Agaves in San Francisco.

So if you’ve been dying to try one of our cooking classes, take advantage! We’ve got great classes lined up all the time, so don’t forget to check out our Cooking Classes page for upcoming events like Tantalizing Market Tapas (SF Farmer’s Market), Mother’s Day Brunch and, of course, our popular Singles Gourmet Dating and Couples Date Night cooking classes.


  1. Sweet article….

  2. Wilbur Rodak says:

    I coudln’t agree more…

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